Palestinian section at the Middle-East Professional Department of BKIK (Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Budapest Hungary, – According to the pre-defined program, the Middle-East Professional Department has held its meeting. This is the first official meeting since the foundation of the Department.

Mr. Sándor Balogh, president of the Professional Department reported on the events since the foundation, which were not numerous due to the summer holiday and Ramadan in the Muslim countries.  He informed the participants about the most important oncoming event, which is a visit of chamber members and a businessman delegation in Saudi-Arabia organised by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) between 17 and 21 November. The main organiser of the travel is Vice-president, Ms. Helga Szabó.

He suggested that as many member-companies of the Middle-East Professional Department should take part at the event as they can, since this journey could highly contribute to the development of Hungarian-Saudi inter-company relations, further strengthen the already existing ones and also could create relations in the whole region.  

Mr Balogh’s report was unanimously accepted by the participants.

A ceremonial moment of the meeting was the welcoming of the Palestinian delegation and the formation of the Palestinian Professional Department. On behalf of the delegation it was Mr. Nimer Hannya, CEO of Private Bank Hungary Zrt. who welcomed the participants  and thanked for the friendly welcome. He briefly outlined the ideas of the Palestinian economic professionals and businessmen living in Hungary concerning the work in the Chamber.

He made a proposal for the positions of president and chair members, who are the following: Mr. Mazen Ramahi – President, Mr. Keswani Elian – Vice-president, Mr. Hannya Nimer – Vice-president, Mr. Bargothie Mazufa Chair member, Mr. Selim Mohamed – Chair member.

The proposal was unanimously accepted by the participants and with this the Palestinian Section of the Middle-East Professional Department and its presidency was established.  

The meeting was closed with a technical comment by Ms. Helga Szabó and Mr. Sándor Balogh’s afterword.

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