The representatives of 15 Companies and Organizations were present.
In his introductory speech the general vice-president of CCIB (BKIK) Dr. Zoltán Kiss emphasized the importance of the renewal and development of the Hungarian companies and the same of the Region.
The founder members have voted unanimousaly the President and the members of the Presidency.
President: Mr. Sándor Balogh
Vice-presidents: Mrs. Helga Szabó, Mr. Ferenc Mazár, Mr. Gáspár Gulyás, Mr. Márton Kiss.
The founder members have voted unanimousaly the Organizational and Operational Rules of the Professional Section too.
In his speech the new President Mr Sándor Balogh after thanking the confidence emphasized that some time ago the Region played a very important part in the export and in the enterprises of the Hungarian Companies. For the time being that role has become insignificant and now this is our mission to return to that market applying more sophisticated methods and technics. It is not an easy task since the experience of the older generations cannot be exploit almost anymore and on the other hand the new generations have to be familiar with that special and very diverisfied market.
He mentioned that we shall organize a professional conference on the countries of the Region and on the preparatory works of the same we shall inform all the interested Companies in due time and regularly.
He offered to the interested Companies the possibility to utilize the Ports being in the operation and edition of AHU (African-Hungarian Union) where all articles having commun interest as well as all buisness possibilities could be edited.
After the speech of Mr. Sándor Balogh all partcipant introduced himself by some words informing the others about his own professional activities.
The statutory meeting has been closed by the closing speech of Mrs. Helga Szabó, vice-president.
Budapest, 7th june, 2012.