Suu Kyi delays debut as Myanmar freed from EU sanctions

Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi shunned the opening of parliament on Monday while the nation’s president vowed “no U-turn” on reforms as the EU suspended wide-ranging sanctions.


Suu Kyi’s party has refused to swear to “safeguard” an army-created constitution in the first sign of tension with the government since a landmark by-election this month saw the democracy icon win a parliamentary seat.

The spat comes as European Union nations put a halt to most sanctions against the impoverished nation for one year to reward a series of dramatic reforms since direct army rule ended last year.

Suu Kyi has shown increased confidence in the reformist government of President Thein Sein in recent weeks, calling for the EU sanctions suspension and planning her first international trip in 24 years.

Thein Sein, who is currently on a visit to Japan, on Monday vowed that he would not backtrack on the country’s democratisation.

“There won’t be any U-turn,” Thein Sein said, according to the Mainichi Shimbun.

He told reporters that it was up to Suu Kyi whether or not she took her seat in parliament.

Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) — the main opposition force after securing 43 of the 44 seats it contested in the by-elections — has appealed to the president directly over the stalemate, asking that the wording of the oath be changed from “safeguard” to “respect” the constitution.

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