Hungary-Asia Society was founded

Budapest, Hungary – On November 30th, 2011, those interested in the region founded the Hungarian–Asia Society (HAS) for developing the relations between the Asian countries and Hungary. The Society is a public interest group with legal entity that has no plans to pursue direct political activities but intends to complement with its own means the Hungarian government’s Asia policy.


 The aim of the Society is to strengthen the existing economic, scientific, cultural, tourist and other relationships that help the understanding between Hungary and the Asian countries (including all countries that are geographically part of Asia), and to build on the present friendly relations. And with this, to support the understanding between nations, the dialogue between cultures, the protection of environment and the case for sustainable development.

 The participants have elected Ms. Dilara Csillik as President of the Society. Among the founding members, there are public figures, businessmen, active and retired diplomats, journalists and those having personal connections to the region. The Society is open to anyone, any Hungarian or foreign person or legal entity may be admitted who accepts the aims of the Society and intends to actively participate in its work.

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