Canada ‘honour’ killings: Shafia family found guilty

Three members of an Afghan immigrant family in Canada have been convicted of murdering four female relatives in a so-called “honour” killing.


The bodies – three teenage girls and their father’s first wife – were found in a car submerged in a canal in the city of Kingston, Ontario, in 2009.

The girls’ father, brother and mother will serve at least 25 years in prison.

Prosecutors said the father was angered that his two eldest daughters wanted boyfriends, in defiance of his values.

The court heard how Mohammad Shafia had become increasingly angry and upset with his three teenage daughters for having secret relationships with boys and wearing revealing clothes.

The bodies of sisters Zainab, Sahar and Geeti Shafia, aged 19, 17 and 13, were found along with the body of their father’s first wife, Rona Amir Mohammad, in the Rideau Canal in June 2009.

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