China protest worsens in Guangdong after villager death

310A stand-off between villagers and the authorities is continuing in southern China’s Guangdong province.

Police have blocked roads leading to the village of Wukan. Local people are trying to keep them out.

The row – over village land taken by the local government – has been simmering for some time.

A new wave of protests broke out several days ago after the death of a villager while in police custody.

It is not easy to get information about what is going on in the area. One local official denied there was a problem.

But it appears that villagers have held a series of protest rallies over recent days involving hundreds of people.

A video of one demonstration, posted online, shows angry protesters shouting slogans such as “Down with corrupt officials”.

“We will continue our fight until the end,” one man told the BBC.

Conflict like this over land is not unusual in the Chinese countryside.

There are thought to be tens of thousands of what the government refers to as mass incidents every year.

But this row seems larger and more intense than many others. Local people have shown they are willing to take on the authorities

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