This is a very unusual scenario, admitted the founder of the sister organizations, Mr. Sándor Balogh in his welcome message, since this time it was the diplomats and partners who came to see the civil organizations, whereas earlier it was the members of the civil organizations who were invited to the similar events of the diplomats and other organizations. But in the future this will more often happen as the organizers are planning to make it a tradition and would like to celebrate together to bring the three continents more closely to us, and within this to Europe and to Hungarians. At the reception the leaders of AHU, ASHU and LATIMO thanked all who helped and supported their work in the past year and will stand by their side in 2013 too. We do need and will need them. Mr. Sándor Balogh mentioned at the event that in 2013 AHU is planning another volunteer medical mission in Africa, and has started preliminary negotiations with Guinea and Malawi.
At the reception Afromagic; Mr. Mbay Ndiaye (founding member of AHU) and two of his fellow-artists played the conga and sang African songs, Mr. Omotunde Komofale (also founding member of AHU) presented a fashion show combining colors and styles of Africa and Hungary, Mr. Miklós Both, musician and composer (member of ASHU) played Hungarian music, Ms. Irda Risdiarti fascinated the audience with an Indonesian dance and Mr. Géza Jeszenszky-Böhm, pianist, played Latin-American music. The MC of the event was Ms. Kelly Jack.
As the complete list of invited guests and participants would fill several pages, we set aside it here. However, the three organizations would like to say a special thank you to their guests from:
Argentina: Mr. Claudio Giacomino, Chargé d’Affaires
Brazil: H. E. Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima
Ecuador: H.E. Ambassador Jaime Barberis Ecuador
Chile: Mr. Jorge Vidal, Attaché
Iran: H.E.Ambassador Sayeed Seyed Agha Banishemi
Afghanistan: H.E.Ambassador Najibullah Alikhil
Philippines: H.E. Ambassador Eleanor Jaucian
Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Azerbaijan
Indonesia: Ms. Ingrid Rosalinda, Deputy Head of Mission
Iraq: H. E. Ambassador Kasim Asker Hasan
Japan: Mr. Naoki Mitori, First Secretary
Kazakhstan: Mr.Karibzhanov Rimtay, Chargé d’Affaires,
Mr. Kambarov Kajrat, Consul
South-Korea: H. E. Ambassador Nam Gwan-Pyo
Malaysia: H.E. Ambassador Kamilian Makson
Mongolia: Mr. Symia Batzana, Consul
Palestine Autonomy: Mr. Elian Keswani, Deputy Head of Mission
Russia: Anton Goriev, Consul
Algeria: H.E. Ambassador Lounes Magramane
Egypt: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Ashraf Mohsen Mohamed Mohsen
South-Africa: Ms. Kedibone Ramatsa, Chargé d’Affaires
Libya: Mr. Abdurhaman Ben Omran, Chargé d’Affaires
United States: Mr. Joe D. Laird, Second Secretary
Finland: Ms. Garai Szilvia, Vice-consul, President of MBKK
Honorary Consuls:
Mr. László Kiss, Republic of Seychelles
Mr. János Bocsánczy, Sierra Leone
Mr. Ambrus Nyerges, Bangladesh
Mr. Ashaber Wanna, Ethiopia
Mr. Boldizsár Entz, Republic of Ghana
Dr. András Batizi, Jamaica
Mr. Gáspár Gulyás, Representative of Gambia accredited to Vienna
Dr. Littvay-Kovács Áron, International Head of Department – BKIK
Mr. Pető Ernő, President – ChinaCham
Mr. László Németh, Senior Counselor, GYEMSZI
Mr. Attila Regöci – Regö Kft.
Ms. Zsuzsanna Vizi -HITA
Dr. Attila Belatiny-Kenéz, Zsigmond Király College
Dr. Péter Szatmári, Zsigmond Király College
Mr. László Botz, Zsigmond Király College
Mr. Zsolt Egeli, Vice-Mayor of Szerencs
Mr. Mustafa Elziftawi, Insight Tours
Ms. Margit Batthyány-Schmidt, Agrarian Chamber
Ms. Shereen Tahseen, EgyptAir
Ms. Magdi Rúzsa singer
Mr. Sorel Kembe actor
Ms. Kata Jaksity presenter
Mr. Sándor Fábry humorist
Mr. Tvrtko Vujity presenter
Mr. László B.Tóth radio presenter
Photos by Mr. György Konkoly-Thege