Call for conscience vote on gay marriage

More than a hundred supporters of gay marriage gathered at a rally in Tony Abbott’s Sydney electorate calling on the opposition leader to allow a conscience vote on the issue.


James Argent, co-organiser of the rally, told AAP that the event had been timed to coincide with the signing of marriage equality into law by French President Francois Hollande.

‘We want a conscience vote from the Liberal Party… people across the country want their elected members to be able to vote themselves, and not be told what to vote for.

‘Tony Abbott might deny his own sister equality, but we won’t stop fighting this issue.’

Mr Argent said the general public were supportive of the rally held at the Manly pedestrian mall on Saturday.

‘This really is an issue that is close to our hearts, and we won’t be swept under the carpet,’ he said.


Source: Sky News Australia

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