The Green Climate Fund, created as part of a deal struck in December 2011 at the 194-nation climate talks in Durban, South Africa, will be led by Ewen McDonald, deputy head of Australia’s international development agency, and Zaheer Fakir, head of international relations for South Africa’s environment agency, the fund said in a statement on Thursday.
It would receive and distribute $US100 billion that rich nations have pledged annually by 2020 to help poorer countries adapt to changing climate conditions and to move toward low-carbon economic growth.
The commitment to provide those billions in climate aid through the new “green” fund came as part of a hard-fought agreement in Durban that was meant to set a new course for the global fight against climate change for the coming decades.
But the agreement did not specify how that money would be mobilised, and a series of technical decisions on how and where it should be run and even how it could raise those funds were put off for later.
Its 24-member board began by organising itself, setting rules and hearing offers from six nations that would like to host the fund’s operations: Germany, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, South Korea and Switzerland.
The fund was created in addition to the $US30 billion in “fast-track financing” for poor countries that rich nations agreed to provide at the December 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen, since the Green Climate Fund is envisioned as the world’s biggest financier for helping the developing world mitigate and adapt to climate change from 2020 onwards.
The board’s members include a Chinese assistant finance minister, US deputy assistant treasury secretary, Russian deputy chief in the president’s office, Danish central banker, Czech deputy finance minister, Bangladeshi environment minister and Pakistani UN ambassador.