African Union in Ukraine-following the Hungarian path

Ukraine, Budapest – Following the model of African-Hungarian Union, the African-Ukrainian Union was founded in Ukraine. The founders are looking forward to welcoming Sandor Balogh to share experiences and give advice about building up and popularizing the organization.


While Omotunde Komolafe, the cultural delegate of the African-Hungarian Union welcomed his Ukrainian guests in Hungary, they were very much impressed by the results of AHU. The wide-ranging reputation of the organization, the Hungarian acceptance and integration of people from Africa, the interest in African culture, the popularity of African Days, the support of AHU by celebrities were enviable for the guests.

Omotunde Komolafe travelled to Kijev on their request, and they founded the African-Ukrainian Union. The first determining task for the Union is the organization of a festival. According to their plans they will have a one-week-long festival in summer. The program of the festival will include an exhibition of Africa, a scenic show for introducing African music, dances and clothes, concerts of bands who integrated the African musical elements in their style.

The cultural delegate declared that Hungary is the most open country in the region, it is connected to Africa by a complex system of relationships, the first African festival in the region was organized in Hungary, and many Hungarians travel to Africa. This openness cannot be found in Ukraine, the founders of the Ukrainian-Hungarian Union would like to change that and build a bridge between Africa and Ukraine. Sándor Balogh was invited to Ukraine to share his experiences, give advice on how AHU built up its good reputation. Omotunde Komolafe said they want to enrich school education by introducing African culture, extend the insufficient knowledge of the children about the world of Africa. They would like to convince the celebrities for Africa. The cultural delegate mentioned an idea of Hungarian and Ukrainian festivals in Africa, as we have many African festivals but Hungarian festivals have never been organized in Africa.

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